(Picture for this post is on Homeschool Life's Facebook page, blogger is not letting me upload it here for some reason.)
In Kindergarten for the girls we've now covered all the vowels and are working our way through the consonants. That means time to start blending sounds together and reading small words.
For each consonant they have learned so far we have blend flashcards and a blend "ladder" flashcard combining the consonant with each of the vowels. The blend ladders work great for reviewing how to blend, it is a 4x6(ish) inch card that has a ladder with five rungs and above each rung is one blend for whatever consonant the card is for. For example the T blend ladder has tă, tĕ, tĭ, tŏ, and tŭ; one on each rung and they can sound their way up and down the ladder. Then I use the flashcards to mix it up and play games without the blends being in any type of order.
By adding another consonant to the end of the blend they can read simple 3-4 letter words like bat, hat, ten, bib, mitt, and tell. And they are very proud of themselves when they get it right.
The have their good and bad days, but they are getting the hang of it. Some days they just don't want to put the effort in so we'll take a break or cut back a little on what was scheduled for the day.
Instead of using flascard by hand, why don't you try using digital flashcard for functionally?. I think it is more effective and helpful. I would suggest trying flashcard from Superflashcard app. It is easy to use program to create flashcard for your own and share with your friends. Try it and I make sure that it is worth spending time to checl them out.