
I do not use the real names for myself, my family members or my friends in my blogs. Family and friends referred to regularly: Dave(my husband) our two daughters Kyla (5yrs) and Raye (4yrs), Rae(my sister), her son Ayan(4yrs) and daughter Lyssa(6yrs).

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Giving up Pop

Today I have officially gone a whole week without having any pop, and that is an accomplishment for me because...I really like pop-Coke, Pepsi, Mt Dew, and I would drink a LOT of it. But it is not good for your body, your teeth, and has a lot of empty calories. So after a bad dentist appointment(the pregnancies messed with my teeth so they are no longer as resistant to the acid as they used to be), and having a discussion with Kyla(she asks so many questions) about how it is bad for my teeth and I shouldn't drink it anymore I decided it was time to cut it out completely.

I've tried cutting back on how much I consumed before, but never wanted to give it up completely and that led to falling off the wagon. The first few days were hard because I was addicted to the caffiene so cutting it out gave me some nasty headaches. Now though I'm not craving it as much and it's worked itself out of my system so the caffiene headaches have stopped... I think I'll make it this time.

This is one of the first steps in living healthier, and I do feel better having done it. Drinking so many calories has not helped in my efforts to get to my goal weight, and combining this with eating healthier and working out again should make losing the weight go much better.

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