
I do not use the real names for myself, my family members or my friends in my blogs. Family and friends referred to regularly: Dave(my husband) our two daughters Kyla (5yrs) and Raye (4yrs), Rae(my sister), her son Ayan(4yrs) and daughter Lyssa(6yrs).

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Potty Trained, Finally!

We have been having a hard time getting Kyla potty trained. She has never cared if she had a wet or dirty diaper, so that didn't work as motivation. When she turned three I decided to try just going diaper free and making her use the potty. Didn't work. She had so many "accidents" those three days and did not care at all so I gave up on that. Next my sister suggested telling her she couldn't do big girl things if she didn't go, like playing with play dough, sitting without a booster, playing on the computer. That worked for a few days, but then she started only going on the potty right before asking if she could do a big girl thing. Even though she wasn't getting to do the things she wanted she still wouldn't go on the potty all the time and even started pooping in her diapers again(which she hadn't done for alomst a yr). When I would ask her why she didn't tell me she had to go potty she'd say "I didn't want to." That was when I had enough, we were going to put her in underwear again and stick with it. Starting one morning I put her in underwear and explained that she wasn't going to wear diapers anymore, that she was a big girl and had to use the potty or she wouldn't get to do big girl things. I made sure to ask her all the time if she had to go potty that day and she only had two accidents, and she was sorry when she had them. I kept asking her frequently if she had to go potty for a few days and she was having fewer accidents and started telling me when she had to go. One day she did poop in her underwear, which she got in trouble for, and she told her daddy that "I won't go poopoo in my underwear again" and she hasn't! We have now been accident free for three days, I haven't had to remind her at all, and she wants to do it all by herself. So now she is even going into the bathroom by herself when she has to to : ) I am so proud of her and make sure to let her know it every time lets me know whe needs to use the bathroom.

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