
I do not use the real names for myself, my family members or my friends in my blogs. Family and friends referred to regularly: Dave(my husband) our two daughters Kyla (5yrs) and Raye (4yrs), Rae(my sister), her son Ayan(4yrs) and daughter Lyssa(6yrs).

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I am a Jedi!....and a Smuggler, and a Trooper....I also plan on being a several Dark side characters as well. I love this game, Bioware has done an amazing job making an MMO that is story driven. The quests are never boring, I can't wait to complete each one and see what happens, and then move on to the next part of the story. I often don't notice when I lvl up, and have ended up behind on training my char several times, lol.

I haven't been doing much gaming while waiting for SWTOR to come out, nothing was able to hold my interest with Star Wars on my mind, and part of me was worried that it wouldn't live up to expectations. But it has and it's hard to drag myself away from the game to go to sleep at night, missing those days when I was physically capable of pulling an all night gaming marathon, lol. But after midnight my brain starts to shut down.

I knew from the start I would love my Jedi Knight, but I was unsure about the other classes. After playing them I love them all equally for different reasons. Plus being in an RP guild I have made backgrounds and stories for the characters and like each of their personalities as well. I plan on doing the same thing when I make Empire characters but don't know how well the roleplaying will go...I have a really hard time making the "bad" choices in the game, lol, to out of line with my personality.

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