
I do not use the real names for myself, my family members or my friends in my blogs. Family and friends referred to regularly: Dave(my husband) our two daughters Kyla (5yrs) and Raye (4yrs), Rae(my sister), her son Ayan(4yrs) and daughter Lyssa(6yrs).

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Star Wars Kinect

I ordered the Star Wars Kinect game a few weeks ago and it arrived yesterday. I didn't have high hopes for the game, but thought it would be a fun easy play. Since releasing it has received a lot of bad reviews, and I was curious to see how "bad" it was.

We (me and my husband, my sister and her husband, and my mom and dad) had a lot of fun playing the mini games that come along with the story mode. You can run around and destroy things as a rancor, do podracing, have a dance-off, or duel a computer opponent. Surprisingly the part that reviewers seemed to hate the most was our favorite part- the dance off. Of course it's ridiculous to see Han Solo and Boba Fett dancing, but it's also a lot of fun! There's one dance that goes with a song titled "Empire Today" that is a version of "YMCA"....~It's fun to be in the Empire Today~  and the dance is very disco.

Least favorite part of the game is definitely the dueling. It's very restricted in what you can do. There's a phase where you block attacks from top, bottom, left, or right and it builds up an attack bar. Once the attack bar is full you enter an attack phase where the saber is not very responsive. Then when the attack bar runs down it's back to blocking. : (  Would have much rather been able to duel other players and have it be more responsive.

Overall though, it is a fun game and we got quite the workout from all the dancing we did.

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