
I do not use the real names for myself, my family members or my friends in my blogs. Family and friends referred to regularly: Dave(my husband) our two daughters Kyla (5yrs) and Raye (4yrs), Rae(my sister), her son Ayan(4yrs) and daughter Lyssa(6yrs).

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Getting Organized....Again

Fall and the new school year is almost here, time to get the house and life at least somewhat organized. The summer flew by and we had a lot of fun. It is so nice to play outside with the kids and not have to worry about them eating dirt, bugs, or who knows what(still have to watch Raye a bit, I swear the child puts everything in her mouth).

Going to be ordering Kindergarten books this week. Cutting it a little close this time, we should have ordered earlier to get more time to look the books and schedule over but it'll be ok. My sister Rae is converting a room at her house into a school room so it looks like I'll be packing the kids up almost everyday this year to go over there for school. It's coming along really well and the girls are looking forward to it.

I've been working on getting the entire house clean- it's going slow -but the goal is that once an area is clean we keep it clean from then on. We had some baby gates up for quite awhile and I finally took them down so the kids have access to almost all of the house. Partly because they are old enough I don't have to worry as much about what they'll get into, but also as a motivation to keep things clean. If there's nothing for them to get into then they can't get into trouble...well, too much trouble anyways.

My own personal goal is to finish the 90 days of P90x workouts. I have 30lbs to lose to reach my goal weight and I want to reach it before I turn thirty next year. I started today with the Stretch dvd to ease into it and will be starting the 90 day schedule tomorrow. There will be days where I can't fit in the 40-60 min workout scheduled for that day or I'm to tired/sore, and on those days I'll substitute the Stretch dvd or Ab Ripper(only 20 mins) depending on the situation. I won't be counting those as part of the 90 day schedule, but I'm determined to do something every day and finish the schedule even if it takes a little more than 90 actual days.

In addition to the exercise Rae and I want to move toward healthier eating habits. I hope to someday eliminate all of the "fake foods" from my families diets and only eat things that we have prepared ourselves. It will be a gradual process, but a goal that I think is definitely worth working towards.

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